‘The hunger to create and share these works of art is a testament to the widespread trauma that grips Israeli society,’ writes Leora Eren Frucht.
- ArtsPainful and Piercing Public Art as Therapy
‘The hunger to create and share these works of art is a testament to the widespread trauma that grips Israeli society,’ writes Leora Eren Frucht.
Wider WorldThe Women Fueling the Rise of #JewishTikTokFrom Orthodox lifestyle bloggers and food accounts to comedians and book reviewers, these Jewish content creators have exploded on TikTok.
From Orthodox lifestyle bloggers and food accounts to comedians and book reviewers, these Jewish content creators have exploded on TikTok.
ArtsBarbie’s Jewish MotherMattel’s iconic doll isn’t affiliated with a specific religion, but her roots trace back to Ruth Handler, a Jewish mom with chutzpah.
Mattel’s iconic doll isn’t affiliated with a specific religion, but her roots trace back to Ruth Handler, a Jewish mom with chutzpah.
ArtsHoly Sparks: Celebrating Fifty Years of Women in the RabbinateA showcase of rabbinic achievement, featuring 24 women who redefined Jewish leadership.
A showcase of rabbinic achievement, featuring 24 women who redefined Jewish leadership.
ArtsAnti-Jewish Bias Is Spreading in Arts and CultureIt may be more subtle than a scrawled swastika or a torched synagogue, but anti-Jewish bias in that realm is nonetheless a growing phenomenon.
It may be more subtle than a scrawled swastika or a torched synagogue, but anti-Jewish bias in that realm is nonetheless a growing phenomenon.
ArtsBlack and Jewish Identities Converge in ArtA generation of Black Jewish women are using art—paintings, drawings, multimedia works and film—to share and explore their multiethnic perspectives.
A generation of Black Jewish women are using art—paintings, drawings, multimedia works and film—to share and explore their multiethnic perspectives.
Sharon Pucker RivoRivo, a Boston-area academic, early on sensed the imperative to preserve, store and even restore precious Jewish films that capture a world long gone.Kickstarter Campaign for Clown DocumentaryThe film follows four medical clowns in Israel, including Dush, a 15-year veteran at Hadassah Hospital.New Lenses on an Old Land: Photos of IsraelThe story of Israel has been told—and retold—through photographs by photojournalists, artists, bloggers and even tourists. Yet French photographer Frédéric Brenner was sure that heRadical VisionsThe exhibition’s opening image says it all. Vintage Streisand in an endlessly repeating 42-second video clip from her 1966 CBS special Color Me Barbra. HerDeath of a Salesman in Yiddishby Jules BeckerNew Yiddish Rep is celebrating Arthur Miller’s centennial (October 17) with a revival (with English supertitles) of Joseph Buloff’s Yiddish version of Death of aAmy Winehouse, the Filmby Renata PoltShe was “a very classic North London Jewish girl,” says a commentator about Amy Winehouse, the popular jazz singer whose powerful voice in songs such as “Rehab” putDogTVSound and picture on DogTV programming are optimized for dogs’ vision and hearing.The David Berg Rare Book RoomThe 1,000-square-foot, glass-enclosed space features exhibitions and collections of rare books, first editions, illuminated manuscripts as well as letters dating back centuries from the five partner institutions ofFooter Menu Column 2
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