New cookbooks from Mexico offer treasured family recipes with modern techniques.
Passover 2012: Gift Guide
Finding the perfect hostess gift when you are a guest at a Seder—beyond wine or a homemade dessert—can be a challenge. Haggadot are a good option,
Music and Story for An Old-Fashioned Passover
Radio and Recordings The Witches of Lublin This hour-long radio drama for Passover, written by Ellen Kushner, Elizabeth Schwartz and Yale Strom (with music by
Mark Podwal’s Passover Art at the Forum
You don’t have to wait for Passover to enjoy Mark Podwal’s latest liturgical art, created for Sharing the Journey: The Haggadah for the Contemporary Family
Cut & Post: Passover Kitchen Concepts
The Ultimate Passover Kitchen How much easier would life be if you could hide away a kosher-for-Passover kitchen until you needed it? No worries that hametz had
Commentary: Passing Through
Each holiday has a sibling; according to the rabbis, Purim is matched with Yom Kippur—biblically known as Yom Ha-kippurim. Kippurim is taken to mean “like Purim,” and there
Collectible Cards: The Playing Card Art of Arthur Szyk
Card playing is not known to be a Purim pastime, but maybe along with Megilla reading and shalah manot it should be. Especially if we mandate using
Books: Purim Stories
Ages 5 and Up The Story of Esther: A Purim Tale retold by Eric A. Kimmel. Illustrated by Jill Weber. (Holiday House, 32 pp. $16.95)
Haggadot for Everyone
Our Haggadah: Uniting Traditions for Interfaith Families by Cokie and Steve Roberts (Harper, 137 pp. $19.99) This small book has a lot of heart. In