According to humorist Ephraim Kishon, when Israelis are asked לַעֲמד בַּתּר (la-amod ba-tor), to stand in line, there are always a “privileged few” who consider
In 2009, four Muslim men conspired to blow up two synagogues in the wealthy Jewish community of Riverdale, New York. Their plot was foiled in a massive F.B.I.…
Israel’s only English-language Internet radio station, TLV1, broadcasts 24/7 with shows on music, from pop to world to indie; art and culture; politics; and more. There
The Other Side of the Curtain A Haggada with Hebrew, Russian and English translations is one of many artifacts featured alongside photos and quotes from
Michael Alpert & Julian Kytasty: Night Songs From a Neighboring Village Michael Alpert and Julian Kytasty’s takes on traditional Ukrainian and Yiddish stories make the journey from