Adam had, for the occasion, bought a new suit. He had wavered between dandyish black, chalk-striped and double-breasted, and a more traditional two-button jacket in
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Jay’s grandson—his only child’s only child—married a young woman born in Kyoto. Mika had an enchanting chin, like a little teaspoon. She wore sweet pastel
There was no traffic along Ardmore Road, but Sarah Rabinowitz carefully signaled the turn onto Cornus Plaza, slowed and double-checked to make sure Irving Clurman
A Hebrew-speaking dinosaur, a mischievous young wizard, a Jewish boy training to be a boxer in Nazi Germany and cheerful mitzva-teaching meerkats are but a
Fiction Foreign Bodies: A Novel by Cynthia Ozick. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 255 pp. $26) Until now, many avid readers of Cynthia Ozick’s fiction have settled