Take a stack of brightly colored wastepaper, add some clever twists and, presto, it’s a wastepaper basket. Erez Mulay’s ingenious bin, which integrates whimsy with
Like a tree, the Jewish holiday for trees has changed and evolved throughout history. In the 16th century, the kabbalists of Safed transformed Tu Bishvat
In Connecticut, New York and California, young Jewish activists are taking responsibility for procuring, slaughtering and distributing kosher meat. Why the sudden interest? On a
A group of idealistic and determined young eco-activists are drawing spiritual sustenance from working and protecting the land, getting their hands dirty in a variety
Jews have a decades-long record of protecting the earth, finding Jewish inspiration in rewriting their dominion over the land into tending God’s domain.. The early
An exhibit at New York’s Jewish Museum adds layers of meaning to objects from mezuzas to menoras, exploring the particulars of the paraphernalia that ground
FilmWaltz With Bashir Israel’s latest entry for Oscar honors is an impressive animated documentary about writer-director Ari Folman’s search to cut through the fog