How Well Do You Know Israeli History?

With misinformation and anti-Zionist sentiment spreading on social media, it is crucial to share the accurate history of Jews’ connection to the Holy Land. Test your knowledge in determining if these statements are true or false.
1. The term “Palestine” is derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who settled along the coastal plains of the Land of Israel and the Gaza area in the 12th century BCE.
2. All Jews were forced into the Diaspora after the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E.
3. The violent 12th century Crusades convinced many Jews in Europe not to move to the Holy Land since their chances of survival there were considered remote.
4. Prior to the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, most Arabs living in the region did not consider themselves to have a separate Palestinian identity.
1. True: Ancient language scholars believe that the Romans Latinized Philistine to Palaestina.
2. False: The Jewish people have maintained continuous ties to their homeland for more than 3,700 years. Though the destruction of the Temple was the start
of the Diaspora, archaeological evidence proves that communities remained in the Holy Land after 70 C.E.
3. False: During the Crusades, Jews were massacred in Europe and in the Land of Israel. But the communities rebounded and, over the next two centuries, many rabbis and Jewish pilgrims immigrated to Jerusalem and the Galilee region. By the early 19th century, over 10,000 Jews lived throughout what is today Israel.
4. True: The Palestinian identity as understood today largely emerged in 1948, after the establishment of the State of Israel. At the 1919 First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations in Jerusalem, for example, a resolution was adopted that stated, “We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.”
Now you know…More About ISRAELI HISTORY
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