American View
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RBG Inducted Into Hall of Fame at Philadelphia Jewish Museum

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg cited Hadassah founder Henrietta Szold as one of two Jewish women whose “humanity and bravery” inspired her as she was growing up. (The other was poet and social advocate Emma Lazarus.)
Her remarks came before a standing-room-only audience Thursday as she was inducted into the Only in America gallery/Hall of Fame at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia, which is also hosting a special exhibition, “Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”
Ginsburg admired Szold’s eloquent rejection of a male offer to say Kaddish for her mother when she died. In citing her family’s different perspective on the traditional ban on women saying Kaddish, Szold “urged celebration of our common heritage while tolerating, indeed appreciating, the differences among us concerning religious practice.” Ginsburg said she recalls Szold’s words even to this day “when a colleague’s words betray a certain lack of understanding.”
For more background on Ginsburg’s evolution as a jurist and Jewish woman, read Hadassah Magazine‘s exclusive profile of the justice.
Ronnie J. Shideler says
Congratulations and shalom Ms. Ginsburg.
I am so proud to have you as one of my favorite ladies and member of The Supreme Court.
Your acceptance for this honor is long overdue.
You are truly loved.
Ronnie Shideler
Noemi Kraut says
You make me proud!
Barbara George says
God protect RBG,America needs her!!
Royanne Esparza Mason says
RBG will be remembered as a progressive, valued, smart, forward thinking female human being.
I am fortunate to have the opportunity to acknowledge her GREATNESS. THANK YOU RGB❤️
Roberta Lewis says
Happy and Healthy Hanukkah, Justice Ginsberg. Be well now and forever.
Roberta Lewis