Inside Look
Professional Councils Offer Special Hadassah Connection
Every February, an intimate group of Hadassah members and Associates gathers at the United States Supreme Court for what is, for many, a professional milestone: being sworn in as members of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States.
This year, the personal meeting with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, herself a Hadassah life member, was certainly a highlight of the day for the 12 members of the National Attorneys and Judges Council who attended.
The National Attorneys and Judges Council is one of three professional councils—the others are Nurses and Physicians—that provide special programming, networking opportunities and another layer of connection to Hadassah via business colleagues.

“Professional councils provide a path for our members to connect with Israel, Hadassah and each other in significant ways,” noted Carole Greenfield, chair of the professional councils, which are free for members to join. “Another benefit of the Physicians and Nurses councils, in particular, is bonding with their counterparts at the Hadassah Medical Organization.”
The councils are in the process of expanding their programming. In one example, the Physicians Council, whose members work to impact health care in both Israel and the United States, is launching a webinar series beginning with Hadassah gastroenterologist Dr. Yaron Ilan speaking about his research in immunology and immunotherapy.
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