Inside Look
EVOLVE Initiative Seeks to Engage Younger Hadassah Members
Always eager to welcome a new generation of members, Hadassah is thrilled to announce the formation of EVOLVE Hadassah: The Young Women’s Network. One of the department’s first initiatives has been the creation of the National Young Women’s Cabinet, a group of 18 members committed to developing strategies to attract and meaningfully engage younger members.
Women in the cabinet range in age from 26 to 52 and represent 12 regions around the country. They come to the group with a diversity of Hadassah experiences, among them roles at the chapter and group level; participation in Young Judaea; or attendance on a mission conducted by the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project, in partnership with Hadassah.

In March, the group held its first in-person meeting at the Hadassah offices in New York City, where the cabinet decided to organize into four subcommittees: Outreach, In-Person Convenings, Leadership and Philanthropy. The testimony we are sharing from cabinet member Dana Kapustin was written after she attended the March gathering.
To learn more about EVOLVE Hadassah and what events the cabinet may be rolling out near you—or your daughter or granddaughter—as well as programming for Hadassah’s National Convention in New York City from July 15 to 18, follow the network on Facebook and Instagram: @evolve_hadassah.

Some of us in the cabinet represent five generations of Hadassah members, and some are new to this organization. We are married, single, with children and without. We hope to capture the essence of what young leadership in Hadassah will look like as we continue the values, mission and passion of “women who DO.” At the cabinet meeting in March, we set goals, asked questions, searched for answers and now we will help lead Hadassah. Not only because it is “our turn” to step up. What drives us is our passion for Judaism and Zionism, and our determination to find cures for diseases, ways to educate and paths to advocate. It is our responsibility to the State of Israel and our commitment to our children to be positive Jewish role models. We are also determined to share personal values and goals with the next generation of Hadassah.
I support Hadassah because I love Israel—and because Hadassah has always supported me. Young Judaea helped me attend summer camp when the financial burden would have kept me home for the summer. You educated me, a young Jewish girl with three sisters from a small town in Texas. You cared for me in 1990-1991 when I was in Israel on Year Course, protecting me during the Persian Gulf War. You led me to my husband—a fellow Year Course participant—who gave me children that you have also educated, cared for and protected. You believed in me and continue to inspire me, and now it’s my turn to say, “Thank you, Hadassah, I believe in you, and I will help lead you.” —Dana Kapustin, Charlotte, N.C.
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