Hadassah Magazine's Guide to Jewish Literature - May/June 2018
A selection of books to entice any reader. Everything from novels to nonfiction, memoirs to mysteries, cookbooks to kids’ books.

Harpoon tells the story of a secret Israeli mission – code-named “Harpoon” – that fought to choke off terrorists’ oxygen supply, money, using innovative tactics and strategies. Among the many revelations, the authors show how Hamas received funding through U.S.-based charitable donations and diverted the money to carry out suicide bombings and terrorist attacks inside Israel — including attacks that resulted in the deaths of American citizens. Harpoon’s efforts successfully shut down these programs with spy-thrilling dare, while lawyers pursued devastating court judgments in New York against major banks that helped launder terror money. A true-life thriller you just can’t put down.
Available on Amazon.

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the State of Israel. Contains great stuff for the do-it-yourself traveler. Visit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Caesarea, Haifa, Safed, Eilat, Masada, Ein Gedi. See the homes of Gal Gadot and David ben Gurion. Explore the Chagall Windows in Hadassah Hospital, Knesset, Yad Vashem, Museum of the Jewish People, Western Wall Tunnel Tour, Israel Museum and Wine Tasting in Rishon Lezion.
Richly illustrated, 268 pages, paperback. $25.00 (plus $5.00 shipping). Contact: Oscar Israelowitz PO Box 228 Brooklyn, NY 11229 Tel (718) 951-7072

Rose Rabinowitz has spent her life burdened by a deep sense of guilt, and a history of failed relationships. Then Abe Stolper appears—a shy, introverted scientist with his own dark secret. As Rose and Abe come to trust one another, they begin a painful journey toward love and redemption.
Available on Amazon.com.

A book club favorite and finalist for the National Jewish Book Award, this acclaimed memoir of growing up a Turkish Jew in a fortune-telling, belly-dancing family illustrates Sephardic life, the foods, fear of the Evil Eye and the author’s struggle to walk again after polio. Booklist calls it “A joy to read…a profoundly moving memoir.” Now in paperback with Discussion Questions!
Order from Amazon.com, including on Kindle, the University of Nebraska Press, (800) 848-6224, and wherever books are sold. www.BrendaSerotte.com.

A young lawyer, Samuel Baas moves from staid New England to the hothouse world of Miami where he represents an accused Nazi war criminal and Haitians who, if deported, face retribution from the murderous Tonton Macoute. Head of a crime family, his father takes a special interest in his son’s legal career. A romantic and virgin, Baas wants love before sex. His experiences leave him wondering, “Is love for someone else?” Over a span of ten years, Samuel Baas journeys toward intimacy and his Jewish people.
Available on Amazon in print and ebook format, and from the publisher, Black Rose Writing. For a free review copy of Gables Court contact the author, alanskesslerosu@gmail.com

“Magnificent… a novel of epic proportions that tells of three strong women, a nun, a rabbi and a minister as they face the struggle for legitimacy and recognition…”—Rabbi Stephen L. Fuchs. A Catholic Sister wants to become a priest. One of the first women rabbis and one of the first women Presbyterian pastors must choose between their lovers and their careers. When the three attend a dinner to receive an award, each recalls fifty years of her life and journey to forge a path-breaking career and find her voice, and each makes the decision that will forever change her life.
Paperback 318 pages – $15.99; Kindle – $9.99. To order, go to Amazon.com or visit https://www.marciarudin.com.

In 1905, when Rebecca leaves her shtetl in Ukraine to join Samuel in Milwaukee and Ingrid leaves Norway to become the Picture Bride of Lars, a farmer in North Dakota, by mistake officials at Ellis Island send them to each other’s destination. Lost in alien cultures, they struggle to return to their fiancés. But the love that blossoms between Rebecca and Lars threatens their plans.
Paperback 261 pages – $14.99; Kindle – $8.99. To order, go to Amazon.com or visit www.marciarudin.com.

In Tel Aviv, under daily missile attack during Operation Desert Storm, when every heart seeks comfort and companionship, complex affairs and a world of crisis bring conflicts of love, betrayal and unforeseen commitments. A young charismatic nurse lives and works by her own code of honor in a strict Orthodox hospital—until one day a married doctor emerges with a campaign of seduction that could endanger her livelihood, reputation and self-respect. “…a powerful first-hand look at what everyday life was like in Israel when most Americans were watching Shock and Awe on the 24-hour news channel.”—Mike Ball, Erma Bombeck award-winning author.
Available on Amazon; in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle editions; iBook; Kobo and www.pinnaclelust.com

9/15/2008, Julie lost her job at Lehman Brothers and her twin, Jack, in a car crash. Feeling responsible for his death, she can’t bear to see the pain in her father’s eyes. She escapes to her brother’s dream destination, Thailand, where a sexy Israeli, Avi, tries to make her let go of her guilt. Can he do it? Or will it take something more?
Available in print and e-book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and independent bookstores.

A contemporary fantasy adventure that the entire family will enjoy! After finding her living uncle’s death certificate and seeing her terminally-ill stepfather recover overnight, eighteen-year-old Corinne Greene wants to learn about her family’s secrets. Her relatives won’t reveal anything, but with the aid of Allen, an educator-in-training, she delves into her Jewish ancestry, discovering unique abilities and a connection to a medieval “sorcerer” known as “The Fox”. Then her brother Daniel is abducted. Using her newfound talents, Corinne must find Daniel and defeat his captor. If she fails, her “Family of the Fox” may be erased from existence.
Paperback 232 pages- $6.89 on Amazon.com, e-book $2.99 on Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and all e-book formats. For more information, visit www.fmisaacs.com.
Eunice Blecker says
Announcing my Novel, Shavlan is now available on Amazon. Would like to have Shavlan reviewed by Hadasssah Magazine. Please visit my website at http://www.shavlan.com