Inside Look
Baring It All for Breast Cancer

When Marcie Natan participated in Hadassah Greater Atlanta’s Breast Strokes Paint Day last November to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research at Hadassah Hospital, she had little problem deciding on a theme.
Natan, immediate past national president of Hadassah and herself a two-time breast cancer survivor, opted for penguins—majestic creatures she and her younger sister, Dorothy Lilien, had trekked to Antarctica to see in 2002 with their husbands. The penguins represent both a symbol of that trip and a particularly fond memory of her sister, who lost her long battle with breast cancer in January 2016.
Natan was one of 35 women who had their torsos painted by volunteer artists. Photos of each woman taken on Paint Day—the first event in the two-part fundraiser for breast cancer research—will be unveiled at Greater Atlanta’s Big Reveal gala on February 25.
The Breast Strokes program is modeled after Charlotte Hadassah’s original, groundbreaking Celebrate the TaTas initiative, now entering its sixth year. For more on Celebrate the TaTas, read our story on its pioneering early days.
Marj and Doug Friedman says
What an honor for GAH to have Marcie Natan involved with The Big Reveal 2017! You are the best in all that you do, an awesome role model for so many throughout the generations. As a member & Associate member of GAH/Ketura, toda rabah!
Ada Jacobowitz says
I find this exhibition quite distasteful .