American View
News + Politics
Why I’m Voting for Hillary Clinton

For all of my adult life, I have advocated for Israel and the Jewish people and helped support strong Jewish communities in the United States. In this work, I’ve learned that no matter how many hours we volunteer, how many dollars we contribute and how much we advocate for Israel, we must have the right people in government making the right policies to ensure the safety and security of the State of Israel and to build strong Jewish communities at home. There’s no doubt in my mind that Hillary Clinton is that right person—actually, the best person—to be the next president of the United States.
I once heard then-Senator Clinton say the role of government is to make the world better for people today and for our children and grandchildren in the future. To that end, she has dedicated her life to supporting families and children, helping to desegregate schools, opening up schools to children with disabilities, securing health care for more than eight million youngsters, and bringing to America Israel’s HIPPY program, which trains parents to be their child’s first teacher. Today, she is calling for universal preschool for every child.
Clinton has been a trailblazer for women’s rights her entire life, going to the United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and telling the world: “Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.” For the past 40 years, she has been a leader in the fight for reproductive choice, pay equity and family and medical leave. She has fought to enact these policies, and also has pushed to expand them so more people have better-paying jobs and more families have time to take care of their loved ones. She knows that secure families make our country stronger and our future brighter.
I have known Clinton for over two decades, and I traveled with her twice to Israel. I have witnessed not only her good judgment, work ethic and commitment, but also her compassion, caring and kindness. I have watched her with victims of terror—both in New York and at Hadassah Hospital in Israel—where she gave them a shoulder to lean on to help mend their shattered lives.
Her steadfast commitment to a strong U.S.-Israel relationship has never flagged. She took the lead in securing official recognition of Magen David Adom by the International Red Cross and wrote a public letter condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel on the eve of her church’s vote on the issue. The United Methodist Church rejected all of its BDS resolutions.
Above all, she is committed to the people of Israel. I remember standing with her on the Jerusalem side of the security fence built to keep out terrorists. Noticing an adjacent apartment building riddled with bullet holes, and a balcony filled with sandbags, she said, “No one should ever have to be afraid in his or her own home.”
In 2012, it was Clinton who brokered a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. Senior Israeli officials said at the time, “She saved many lives on both sides that day.” She firmly believes we must defeat global terrorism—not just contain it—which means going after ISIS. She is committed to dismantling the global terrorist network by working with European intelligence services to stem the flow of jihadists, and to working with the high-tech community to fight the online spread of terror. She understands, too, that fighting terror means supporting first responders at home. For years after 9/11, she fought to ensure that the men and women who ran into the flames to rescue others and clean up debris got needed medical care.
We need a president who truly understands the broad complexities of the world and also cares about each of us. Hillary Clinton has the intelligence, maturity and toughness it will take to face today’s world, and the ability to bring people together to help us heal. As women, we have the opportunity to make history—but it will take all of us working together to make this happen.
Susan Stern is the co-chair of Jewish Women for Hillary.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the authors alone and not of Hadassah, which is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse candidates or engage in partisan activities. Recognizing the importance of the upcoming election, Hadassah Magazine is presenting this pieces because we believe our readers deserve to hear views about the candidates from Jewish women leaders.
To read a pro-Trump opinion piece, click here.
Betsy Sheerr says
This is a heartfelt statement with excellent reasoning. I wholly concur.
rachel slomovic says
This woman is the most corrupt, lying, cheating, greedy person, and if God forbid she will be elected as our president America not only will not support Israel, but with her future of open borders she will admit so many Muslim into the USA that America will not be recognizable any more. Her fiscal policies are such that as a socialist she will destroy the economy and make America poor. I cannot believe that any person, especially a Jewish woman can be so blind to what this woman is and what she has done. She received much money from Arab leaders and that will count when it comes to foreign policy, especially in regard to Israel.
I am receiving your monthly magazine and so many times you reflect opinion that are so anti Jewish, anti Israel, socialist and just plain wrong. If you wish to be on the left you must know that people like me, born in Israel and now living in America and support Israel in every way I can, you must know that you do not represent me. I am opposed to your point of view, I am not on the left, which is nothing but evil I am so upset that you even think of promoting the lies you tell about the evil Hillary.
Gayle M. Spelts says
This election had the most unappealing candidates ever but Trump is all you accuse Hillary of and worse! He will be a disiater! The U.S. government will alwys support Israel even if it disagrees with its’ leaders. Obama just apporved 38 BILLION in aid for Israel!
Amy Morris says
Hi Susan- great article! I’m proud to know you and have so much respect for your dedication to the Jewish world, our women’s world and our country. Yashir koach!
V. Grosz says
Yes, it is laudable the work Hillary has done. There is no doubt that she has the brains and preparation for the highest post; however, I am still bothered and puzzled at the same time by her association with Sidney Blumenthal and, by extension ( although perhaps indirectly) with Blumenthal’s son, Michael, a notorious antiSemite and rabid anti Israel individual.
Can you explain that?
Mrs. T. Kaiser says
Hillary Clinton is a proven liar, from the time she performed as a lawyer in Arkansas when she charges for 700 hours to a client, on a minor case. From her handling of sending secret e-mails through unsafe-secret sources and then destroying them when the information was made public. To the handling of the Ben Gasi murders and not admitting the truth of the murders, plus the fact that the ambassador asked many times for more protection. She has made to many mistakes to be qualified for the presidency. Also she is very ill, probably will not be alive much longer and then her childish running mate will be president, a no nothing petulant man who also should not be president.
Esther says
Haughty Hillary is, among other things, dishonest, devious, a real criminal. There are no established facts about her “loyalty” to Israel and/or the Jewish people. She’s all talk and not to be believed. She didn’t do a thing as a Senator, and did worse as Secy of State. Same goes for her red-nosed perverted husband. Give me Trump any day, with all his faults. At least he loves the USA and has the courage to stand up to all these lying politicians who barely did anything for us or for this country. Hillary loves ONLY Hillary, Money and Power. Period!
rachel robinson says
This woman is the most corrupt, lying, cheating, greedy person, and if God forbid she will be elected as our president America not only will not support Israel, but with her future of open borders she will admit so many Muslim into the USA that America will not be recognizable any more. Her fiscal policies are such that as a socialist she will destroy the economy and make America poor. I cannot believe that any person, especially a Jewish woman can be so blind to what this woman is and what she has done. She received much money from Arab leaders and that will count when it comes to foreign policy, especially in regard to Israel.
I am receiving your monthly magazine and so many times you reflect opinion that are so anti Jewish, anti Israel, socialist and just plain wrong. If you wish to be on the left you must know that people like me, born in Israel and now living in America and support Israel in every way I can, you must know that you do not represent me. I am opposed to your point of view, I am not on the left, which is nothing but evil I am so upset that you even think of promoting the lies you tell about the evil Hillary.