Inside Look
Last Look: Daughters of Hadassah

Odelia, Donna and Nomi Orbaum (from left) have grown up with—and to some extent in—Hadassah Magazine. They were born at Hadassah Hospital on October 1, 1990, to Wendy Elliman, then and now Hadassah Magazine’s medical correspondent in Israel, and the late Sam Orbaum, a longtime Jerusalem Post editor. We figured that when our medical writer delivers triplets without the aid of fertility treatment, it is news, so their birth became the only one ever officially announced in our pages. Four months later, they were featured in the magazine again, as they slept through air-raid alerts in a sealed room during the first Persian Gulf War. Fast forward 19 years, and they are now serving in the Israeli Air Force. When the magazine staff saw this picture, we all kvelled. Now it’s your turn. H
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