Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor Israel’s Settlers; Zionism at Camp
Another P.O.V.
Gershom Gorenberg writes well but he seems to have this need to bash the so-called settlements and religious Jews in every article he writes (“Old New City,” June/July issue).
Yes, it’s hard to defend pioneering when one lives in Tel Aviv, but Israelis—not settlers—who live in Judea and Samaria have a greater connection to Israel and its past. It’s about time he acknowledges this and stops trying to “turn” Hadassah readers. All of Israel is precious, but without the religious Jews we would just be another country.
Micki Falk
Sunnyvale, CA
Summers to Grow On
My daughter, Lisa Redisch, was identified in the picture in “Family Matters: Camp and Community” (June/July issue) as “friend.” Lisa is a fourth-generation life member of Hadassah, went to Camp Judaea beginning in 1997, went to Tel Yehudah, on Machon and on Year Course. She was on the regional board of Young Judaea in high school.
Fran Redisch
Via e-mail
Although no longer in existence, mention must be made of the granddaddy of them all, the Hebrew-speaking Camp Massad. We ate, played sports, swam and breathed in Hebrew. Woe to the camper who was caught by founder and director Shlomo Shulsinger, of blessed memory, speaking English.
We learned Jewish history, Zionism and religion through pageants, plays and practice.
As a direct result of our Camp Massad experiences, many of us, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, now live in Israel, where we help build the land and its institutions (including Hadassah in Israel).
Sara Reines Smith
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