Hadassah Magazine's Guide to Jewish Literature
A selection of books to entice any reader. Everything from novels to nonfiction, memoirs to mysteries.

Gabi Khasani is stunned one morning to learn that her parents have arranged a marriage between her and a long-forgotten grade school crush, Joel Steinberg. As they reconnect, Gabi and Joel find much to appreciate in one another and discover how deeply their shared background unites them.
Available from Cobblestone Press and Amazon.com.

Choreutics: the Wisdom of the Circle in the making of the Dwelling is a chronicle of the evolution of everything to be made by human hands following the completion of a world spoken into existence. It recounts this evolution in familiar narratives found in the world of the Old Testament.
ISBN 978 1494743055 $27. Softcover/136pages/Color. Available from Amazon.com.

Second-Night Seder includes chapters from Exodus that tell the story of Moses and the exodus of Israel from Egypt. Also included are blessings and passages from the traditional seder. Enjoy the ritual retelling of the story with colorful illustrations. Less than 30 minutes, from start to finish.
Available on Amazon.

An emotionally revealing memoir of love, loss and more love, illustrated through letters written to the author’s husband after his death. As a Jewish educator and grief counselor, the author brings readers on her personal grief journey and into the intricate relationships that evolved.
Visit harrietvogel.com to learn more.

Until her enchanting French mother died and her famous uncle became her guardian, Paige never knew the pain and passion of the secrets in a hidden diary. She never knew the Holocaust was part of her story. Protecting Paige, a captivating saga about a young girl’s coming of age and a man’s quest for a lost love, is a rich tapestry, spanning three generations.
Print and e-Book available at www.amazon.com.

These 52 cards convey many of the core spiritual practices of a meaningful Jewish life. Perfect for gifts, reflection and study. Each mitzvah is given in Hebrew and transliteration, inspirational explanation and sources cited. Beautifully illustrated cards match the laminated box (see picture), 2.5” x 3.5”. Dynamic programs also available.
$18/ single deck; $10/deck, 10 or more. Reclaiming Judaism Press. Amazon.com & ReclaimingJudaism.org.

In this, her second cookbook, Sarabeth Levine, James Beard Award winning Pastry Chef and renowned restaurateur, serves up her classic morning recipes designed for the home cook. Among them, you will find her cheese blintzes, Mandelbrot with Jam, Challah loaves, Hungarian Coffee cake and other Jewish specialties from her childhood. The easy-to-follow recipes come with technique tips and make-ahead instructions that guarantee effortless entertaining.
Hardcover, 282 pages, Available through Amazon and all major booksellers. Autographed copies available only through www.sarabeth.com at $39.95, including domestic shipping.

A book club favorite and finalist for the National Jewish Book Award, this acclaimed memoir of growing up a Turkish Jew in a fortune-telling, belly-dancing family illustrates Sephardic life, the foods, fear of the Evil Eye and the author’s struggle to walk again after polio. Booklist calls it “A joy to read…a profoundly moving memoir.” Now in paperback with Discussion Questions!
Order from Amazon.com, including on Kindle, the University of Nebraska Press, (800) 848-6224, and wherever books are sold. www.BrendaSerotte.com.

In Tel-Aviv, under daily missile attack during Operation Desert Storm, when every heart seeks comfort and companionship, complex affairs and a world of crisis bring conflicts of love, betrayal and unforeseen commitments. A young charismatic nurse lives and works by her own code of honor in a strict Orthodox hospital—until one day a married doctor emerges with a campaign of seduction that could endanger her livelihood, reputation and self-respect. “…a powerful first-hand look at what everyday life was like in Israel when most Americans were watching Shock and Awe on the 24-hour news channel.”—Mike Ball, Erma Bombeck award-winning author.
Available on Amazon in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle editions; B&N; iBook; Kobo and www.pinnaclelust.com.

Great book for Seder table display and for young teens and older readers. Miriam saves her baby brother’s life, helps him adjust to living at home with siblings and being pampered in Pharaoh’s palace where he has dangerous encounters with royalty and police. Kirkus reviews: “Letzter embellishes Old Testament details about the character of Miriam to create a lively, engaging tale.”
Paperback, $8, Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. Kindle, $3, Amazon.com.

Foreward Reviews Indie Fab Finalist * USA Best Book Finalist “In this engaging debut novel, readers gain three different views of the effects of World War II on ordinary people”–Library Journal. “Bitterness is the driving force in this stirring novel of Holocaust survivor guilt—guilt about being safe, told with candor and tenderness.”–Booklist. “…Succeeds in both educating and engaging readers.”–Kirkus.
Paperback and e-books available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and wherever books are sold.

At last! The first Israeli superhero comic book. Both a “Sefer Tov” and an illustrated book series with action adventure stories telling about items of Jewish heritage, e.g. Purim, Passover and Chanukah. The how and why of bar mitzvah, kipot, tallit, shofar and Torah. Some are parodies of Star Trek, X-Men, Noah’s Ark and Elijah. Female superheroes fly along with the men. Humor of kashrut, sci-fi and Afikomen tales make them enjoyable reading.
To get an order form listing prices and all issues available, email Alshaloman@aol.com or go to Israelidefensecomics.com. Available at J. Levine in New York or the Museum of Jewish Heritage on Battery Place.

The book fans have been begging for. Third in the “Charlie” Series that began with Exceeding Expectations—Named to Top Twelve of 2012 Best Novels.
E-Books – $4.99; Print – $14.99; Pre-order Audio CD’s – $.29.95.
Find them at Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com. For more about the author and all five of her books, visit https://www.LisaAprilSmith.com.

Hailed by Reviewers—Loved by Fans. “From turbulent Nazi occupied Paris to plush Palm Beach in 1961, this one will take you on a ride you won’t forget.” “5 Soaring Stars.” “Authentic details of the time-periods that make it fun to read”–Blogger/Reviewer Deborah Previte. “…bursting with riveting mystery, suspenseful twists and love scenes that sizzle and pop.”–Blogger/Reviewer Cari Pestelak. “…well told, well plotted out and executed perfectly.”–Blogger/Reviewer Natalie Hillier.
E-books–$4.99; paperbacks–$14.99. Pre-order Audio CD’s – $.29.95. Find them at Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com. For more about the author and her books visit https://www.LisaAprilSmith.com.

A Saga that Spans Four Continents. “Sophisticated, Smoldering and Suspenseful=Sensational!” “The characters…are so rich and complex I feel as if I know them all.” “A compelling and superbly written book that will fill you with anticipation until the very end yet still leave you wanting more.”–Blogger/Reviewer Crystal Fulcher. “For readers who wish to be totally engrossed in a story and feel transported thru time and space.”–Blogger/Reviewer Marilou George. “This book has it all!…romance, mystery, sex and crime….a story that you will not be able to put down.”–Blogger/Reviewer Charla Wilson.
E-books–$4.99; paperbacks–$14.99. Pre-order Audio CD’s – $.29.95. Find them at Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com. For more about the author and her books visit https://www.LisaAprilSmith.com.

Put A Spring in your Seder. The Joyous Haggadah is a lively cartoon retelling of the story of Passover that is children and family friendly. It covers all the traditional 14 steps of the Seder. It’s written in a light, concise, contemporary manner, in English, Hebrew and transliterated Hebrew. It includes songs, games and recipes. The Joyous Haggadah makes the Seder enjoyable and meaningful for Jewish and multi-cultural families, and even for those “who don’t know how to ask.”
Available from haggadahsrus.com, 877-307-4175. Also at Amazon.com, B&N.com and your local community bookstores.

From Jewish Book Award Finalist Mary Glickman comes the story of a trio of outsiders who will each be profoundly affected by the Indian Removal Act. Glickman’s portrayal of the Cherokee is keenly accurate and often surprising, rendering a perfectly plotted tale of passion and loyalty even in the hardest of circumstances.
Paperback and e-book. 378 pages. Available wherever books and e-books are sold.

The Periodic Table (ISBN 9781843799962) celebrates the pleasures of love and friendship and the search for meaning. Primo Levi offers fiction, non-fiction, allegory and reality wrapped in a metaphor of chemistry to bring us a layered vision of his world. This recording is dedicated to the memory of Neville Jason.
Available from Arkivmusic.com.
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